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Moving into the business future

he internet marketing world is moving faster than most of us can cope.

Continual change is the norm as the world keeps tilting away from our past. I recently did a blog on Parler and how it might grow to be as big as Twitter but alas it is no more>

I spruiked the benefits of Donald Trump's use of twitter as an advertising medium and now no more Donald and banned from Twitter and Facebook. The indignity.

Experts are telling me to redo my old posts more than write new ones as they refresh to become current again.

I hate some of my early stuff so the delete button is always close at hand.

In the olden days we wrote to please Google on a fixed computer and then Smart Phones took over the priority.

I struggled to maintain site speed. a number one issue and now Google tells me Mobile only search results will be the way of the future, not one day but a month coming very soon.

I was happy with Word Press until Gutenberg destroyed my way of doing things. Suddenly block editors became the norm and we had to learn a whole new way of creating a simple document.

I had a choice between Yoast SEO and AIO SEO and chose Yoast. It was a good choice however he is more critical than my wife always yelling for me to change. I have to conform which is against my personality or I get all these Red stop lights. so annoying.

When I started blogging I read where three hundred words was an acceptable length to get your message across but whoa is me not any more. They scream at you that fifteen hundred words is a starting point and build from there.

That was ok when I started because we could stuff the word count with my Keyword using it at every opportunity that presented itself. Not any more you can't. Google hates keyword stuffing so you can only use it liberally to get results.

Talk about Keywords, this was an easy art because the multitudes weren't chasing answers to every sill question they could think of. So keywords adopted a new name of Longtail Keywords that became the norm. Was that enough. no they are now key phrases that include everything that you can think off. 

I am an old bloke that grew up with everything dawdling along except my age and that is going as fast as the internet age. How will I ever keep up? The answer is I love change.
I am the author behind several marketing sites and training modules and can be found at 

Online business and

This article was published on 05.02.2021 by Peter Hanley
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