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Vice President Seeks Millionaire Earners For 2016

Hi and welcome to my first announcement here on

My name is Bob Gaskell and I am Vice President of Healthy Coffee Global(Europe).

I have been successfully involved in network marketing for over 25 years building high income teams of 75,000+ (in just one country alone), and in fact had actually retired from the industry when I was approached a few years ago with details about a new company which was about to launch, that company was Healthy Coffee Global.

After I had explored the company, its products, its pay plan and its goals for the future I was totally hooked and there was no way that I could allow an opportunity of this magnitude to pass me by! Opportunities like this only happen once in every decade or so.

I came out of retirement and, to cut a long story short, I have not looked back since!

And the best part is that in 2016 we are only just entering our true momentum phase.

Many of you will be familiar with various types of pay plans and of course there is good and bad in all of them... however what Healthy Coffee Global decided to do was appoint one of the worlds top pay plan designers to look at all these other pay plans and see if something could be done to remove all the negatives and combine all the positives and turn them into one powerful, game-changing pay plan.

 What was created is so powerful that just one of the 12 income streams can generate a 7 figure on its own!

We have both Binary and Unilevel parts to our plan with the Binary able to pay out a maximum of $300,000 per month over 5 Business centres... that's just one of the 12 potential income streams!

We also have a Luxury Car & Lifestyle Bonus worth up to $5,000 per month.

We also have Matching Cheque Bonuses and my personal favourite... a Coded Bonus which pays to unblockable depth and unlimited width!

By now you can probably see why so many people absolutely love our pay plan... yes it is ultra powerful BUT at the same time it is so simple to show people and explain how to get started. This is due to a highly duplicatable module system that I have designed which allows new team members to understand straight away what they need to do to succeed and make money from day one.

In fact I have produced both a book and web site to help team members. Both of these are unique to our team and each is crammed with success strategies, marketing tools and tips, and even word-for-word scripts to help you generate and close prospects.

The book is called "How To Sponsor More People In One Day Than Most Do In A Month!"

The web site is

Both these powerful business building tools are provided absolutely free to my team partners.

Our team is growing at rapid speed across the world and I am now looking for new team members to join us for 2016 which I predict will be our best year to date!

If you're a coffee drinker, or you know people who drink coffee, then I invite you to take a look at Healthy Coffee Global and discover for yourself just how amazing this opportunity could be for you this year!

My web site is so do please pay me a visit and discover for yourself how Healthy Coffee Global could be just what you've been waiting for!

Wishing everyone success.

This article was published on 22.01.2016 by Bob Gaskell
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