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Zennoa has the three things necessary for the perfect MLM business:

1.    Top quality, proven-effective, and ethical leadership.

2.    Non-duplicatable cutting edge products

3.    Top notch compensation plan

To boot, Zennoa has a free Legacy Scholarship for your children and grandchildren.

Yes, I ask you what’s your Zennoa?  Zen from Asia means peace, harmony, and balance. Noa from Polynesia means freedom and mobility.  Together, they are Zennoa, the name of this fabulous company a state of mind, and a quality of life.

THE LEADERSHIP:  Over 25 years ago, our Founder and CEO, John Wadsworth, had a vision.  This vision was so powerful that he and arduous trip to Tahiti and the Marquesas islands in French Polynesia where this dream might be realized.  He dreamed of something he had heard called a “nono plant” that could help people with diabetes and other ailments.  Being a food scientist he just knew he could make this product to share with the world to help people.  

He found this vision on an island in French Polynesia named Nuku Hiva.  After flying many hours in a small plane and traveling over rugged mountains and found that nono on these islands was a mosquito.  The real name was noni, a fruit that looked like a green hand grenade.  The fruit smelled awful and tasted horrendous, but fruit had been used for thousands of years by the natives as a home remedy for the Island people.  

After researching it in his lab and testing with blood sweat and tears he came up with a noni juice product.  He found it didn’t work for Type 1 diabetics Type 2 diabetics benefitted.  He and others were feeling better after drinking this natural juice. They had more energy.  He and his business partner found some people that would listen and began a company that spread this product throughout the World.  The company grew to over 5 billion in sales over the 20 years he was with this company.  He still had a vision to produce an even better-tasting and effective noni product.  After leaving the other company, he and another founder of the original company and started a new company to share this vision, Zennoa.

THE PRODUCTS: Zennoa began as a pre-prelaunch company in July, 2016

The FIRST beneficial health product was Core Care, a blend of omegas 3,5,6,7, and 9, all essential to health for the human body.  No other company has ever had this blend.  The ingredients come from the highest quality pristine sources of cod oil, sea buckthorn berry, cranberry seed, Pomegranate seed, noni fruit, and mangosteen.

The SECOND product called SRQ was sourced from Japan, carrying the Japanese government’s seal of top quality and government control on distribution.  It is a blend of salacia reticulata and COQ10 originally developed to treat dementia and then found to also regulate blood sugar and enhance the immune system.  The synergy for health of these first two products in is amazing.  

The THIRD product is the fulfillment of John’s dream and vision, Nuku Hiva, a new noni product named for the island where John first discovered an endless supply of quality noni over 25 years ago.  The results are almost instantaneous and it tastes great!  

Zennoa and John Wadsworth are dedicated to natural products that bless the health of the world.  Join us for the journey and learn how you too, can joining in making the difference.

THE COMPENSATION:  John brought Zennoa came into being to benefit you and us as affiliates financially.  There are 7 Bonuses to benefit not only those at the top but single parents and others who need a significant income.  $500 to $2000 per month will change the lives of most forever and much more is possible.

It is unheard of but Zennoa started paying regular commissions from initial pre-prelaunch and has done so ever since.  Most (80%) of start-up companies never pay any commissions.

Zennoa has also made available to distributors a free Legacy Scholarship fund for your offspring. The company puts $500 t $1000 into the fund for you when you buy your first product and then matches contributions as future purchases are made to scholarship value of $55,000.  There are over 300 top-quality private colleges available.

During startup until Launch on April 6, 2017, Zennoa earned over $4,000,000.00 and paid out over $2,000,000.00 in commissions.  Zennoa has been conservatively estimated to make over $20,000,000.00 this year and pay over $10,000,000 in commissions this year.

You and we are not going to find any other company that has so much value.  Join us.  You will be very glad you did.

Check out and

This article was published on 18.04.2017 by DavidDianne Maxwell
Author's business opportunity:

ZENNOA - Nutrition, 325 USD to join

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