CP Surveillance Bio
CP Surveillance Bio
CP Surveillance is an online security surveillance equipment business. This store sells different types of items like indoor & outdoor surveillance equipment, home cams, wireless cams, nanny cams, dash cams, doorbell cams, solar cams, and other unique security products for your home, and business. CP Surveillance provides you with the peace of mind to know that your family and property are protected. Here is the link to the website www.cpsurveillance.com. Attached to the website is a short video talking about what CP Surveillance can assistance with. Some of the things that CP Surveillance can help with are preventing home intrusions, break-ins, fires, and other calamities. Here at CP Surveillance we offer affordable prices for your safety needs. Please visit our website to see if we can help you with any of your security issues or needs. CP Surveillance is a very user friendly website. The website has over 100 security surveillance products to choose from.
How CP Surveillance got started is that I took an online business boot camp class. This boot camp taught me and other students how to start an online drop shipping business in four weeks. I could not think of an idea which myself and others in the class were having the same problem thinking of a niche for our businesses. The teacher gave out some ideas that might help us decided what we wanted to do. Out of all the suggestion that were given the surveillance suggested spoke to me and that is how I decided to make my surveillance business. I felt this would be a good niche, because everyone wants to feel safe in these crazy days. So, I went to Wix.com which is the format that was suggested that we use for our online store. I believe that everyone should have peace of mind when it comes to the safety of their family, and the things that they hold valuable. I believe that this is a store that is needed.
It is my dream that this online store will become very popular, and very successful. I would like this store to make so much money that it changes my life for the better. I believe CP Surveillance will help me achieve my goals, which is to stop living paycheck to paycheck. Another one of my goals is to pay all my bills off so that I am no longer in debt. My dream is to buy property, and put a tiny house with solar panels on that land. Another dream is to take a real vacation sometimes, and not just a staycation.
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