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It's All About The System!

Hi and thank you for stopping by. 

If you mayI will tell you a little about me and what i do. So you get to know who I am. and hopefully I get the chance to get to know you as well.

My is Stanley Paisible i am from Montreal Canada. I I have been in Montreal since the age of 5. Coming from Haiti with my mother, brother and sister. My Mother who did an awesome job of raising us. Told us, like i am sure you were told. Go to school get good grades so you can get a good job. 

So we all know how that turned out right lol. But i did go to college 2 years then i realize i was wasting my time because they were not going to teach me what i needed to know to achieve my goals. 

I had always had big dreams and wanted a better lifestyle but more important. Is i always wanted to find a way to support my mom. My way of saying thanks for the whole giving birth to me thing lol

After dropping out of college, an idea come from a friend and after thinking about it I decided to start a business. I had no clue what i was doing, Mind you that was before google and youtube and all the answers. Now you know i am old lol.

So Started doing basketball uniforms for schools. I knew basketball because i played and coach for a very long time.

Business was great, so i thought. I was working long hours sometimes. But hey, it’s my business right? Making decent income, working hard was you so party hard as well. SoLive was good. I was independant doing my thing. Being a young entrepreneur with no one to look up too or ask questions. There was a lot that i did not know. The worst part is i did not know that i did not know. 

After 6 years had sport injury and i could not work was home for 11 months. Lost it all cause clients loved me but they could not wait for me. I tell you this story not for you to feel bad for me. Because it was actually the best thing that ever happen to me. Being at home not able to do much. A friend gave a book. I had nothing else to do so i decided to read it. 

The book, Rich Dad Poor Dad. Form there my life changed. See i was so busy being busy that it took and extreme event to get me to stop to learn something else.

Now started looking into other types of business and that is when i discovered Network Marketing. Witch to is the holy grail of business models. I became a student of the industry the first company i joined taught me so much. About comp plans, team building analyzing a business. I was so passionate about helping other people. I started training and helping reps from other companies. I was promoting the industry. I my opinion products and comp plans are all secondary. You must understand the industry first and then you can make it work. The mlm concept or model is pure it’s those few bad apples that that give up a bad reputation. But the numbers don’t lie, too many success stories, some i know personally to believe otherwise. 

Fast forword I was introduced to the company max international. I was never really a product guy, but i saw what the product did for some people and some close to me. Then i decided to pay close attention. I looked a t the comp plan and it’s one of the best i seen, and i seen a lot. When you have these two things, good product and good comp plan that is a very good start. Then i looked at the people, i actually got to meet and talk to the founders. The don’t hide behind corporate we can actually have access to them. I have rarely seen that.   

 So a friend of mine who enrolled me came with a system. Now the company is great and all but still something was missing. We were not hitting the numbers we should. All those in any mlm most likely seen these 2 problems * mass recruiting and money* . People drop off cause they can’t recruit or the can’t afford auto ship etc. So after looking a the comp plan we created a system to help us build. A system that will solve those 2 issues. I won’t divulge the system here. All i can say we no longer talk about mass recruiting and no longer have money issues. We remove all the stress so people can build and get healthy at the same time. 

Like everything that works, it takes a system that is duplicatable. Think Mc Donals same system all they do is rinse and repeat. That is what we were able to build for our team. 

We took what the company has an created a newby proof system the build faster and easier. 


I know this went on for a minute thank you for taking time and got to the end.   

If you would like to know how our system works feel free to contact me. I would ove to get your comments on this post. 

Here is a link to my site.


Looking forward to hearing from you!


This article was published on 13.03.2017 by Stanley Paisible
Author's business opportunity:

Max International - Nutrition, 49 USD to join

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Dave Kotecki A good system is critical to marketing success. It helps new marketers get started quickly and keeps one from getting distracted.  7 years ago

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