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Professional Network Marketing

Network Marketing has some controversy for some people... There are those who consider it a pyramid structure, but almost every large sales organization in the world is based on this form.  Essentially all sales people earn commissions, and the sales managers will earn overrides or bonuses on top of that. Then the sales directors will earn on top of those commissions and overrides, and of course the VPs earn even more on top of that. Sounds  like a familiar hierarchy, right?

The next negative argument is that one has to pay for entry and perhaps even a monthly to be a part of the company. The cost will vary from one company to the next, but essentially this fee structure is similar to a franchise. However, the cost for entry and monthly for a Network Marketing company is typically so low, that it is completely dwarfed by the cost of a typical franchise. The average person has a better chance starting a business with a Network Marketing company than a franchise.

Now I admit that there are plenty of Ponzi schemes out there. These are the businesses that are only about money. Pay money to earn money and then circle around again. They don’t have any true products to sell. A true Network Marketing company has a real product or service that they provide. While many people swear by these types of companies, I prefer to steer clear of any companies that are circling money. They just don’t appeal to me.

Lastly, the low cost can be a negative for some people as it will attract the wrong type of people. Because the entry cost is low enough, people who aren’t really prepared, qualified or ready to start their own business tend to jump in without considering the effort needed to succeed. Now I don’t want to say that this is a sucker industry, because the industry does work if you know how to work it.

What does it really take to succeed in the Network Marketing industry? For starters, your eyes and mind nee to be open. You can’t walk into this industry blindly and expect to succeed. But for newbies, having the right leader to show you what it really takes can either make or break you. A good leader will be brutal honest about what it takes to succeed and show you the ropes on how to do it. You shouldn’t have to jump hoops to get the leader to work with you. A good leader is ready and willing to teach you exactly what to do.

You also want to be with a company that you love! What ever products they provide, these should be consumable and worthy. Find a hot industry, such as in the health field of nutrition. These products are consumable and many are highly qualified. Just be sure that the company you select is something that you truly feel comfortable with and are willing to be with for the long run. Because in the long run, a good opportunity will provide a lifetime of income!

This article was published on 14.12.2015 by Debra Diamond
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