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To Succeed you have to Work, and to work, you have to KNOW WHAT WILL WORK

Hello,   Let me take a moment to introduce myself. My name is Scott Wright and I'm an Entrepreneur (formerly an Industrial Engineer,) based out of S. Louisiana.  I have one 16 yr old son whom I enjoy teaching to drive and will be attending his first H.S. Prom April 21'st.  Today was a hectic hunt for a tuxedo that fits.  All six local High Schools scheduled prom for tomorrow night.

Now that I finally have a handle on working for myself, from home, I'll get to be here for the last few years he lives at home.  Oilfield money gave him a prosperous childhood, but robbed him of his dad.  Of the benefits from working for myself, TO ME, this is the real clincher, not the money.  That wasn't always the case.

I am a MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR Failure.  I want to be certain that the twisting and uncertain nature of success has at least occurred to you.

Not only did I fail at selling a variety of perfectly useful products, and crash some good ideas through basic lack of experience, I also recognized the potential of bitcoin very early on, and then spent it all before it really took off, just to pay the mortgage and buy powdered milk.  Of course, it helps not at all to wallow or even regret using many millions of dollars worth of bitcoin to purchase nicknacks, consumables, and invest in yet another idea I couldn't pull off alone.

I learned a very valuable lesson:  Don't Try To Do It All Alone!  Find resources, find mentors, hire help, outsource, see a therapist if you have to, whatever it takes.  To really Succeed you have to Work, and to work, you have to KNOW WHAT WILL WORK!

So, that's what I did.

The various coaches and courses I've sought out, studied, practiced, as I continue to do, might make for several more blog posts.  I know I can fill up a few pages with stuff I wish I'd known long ago.  I may not have needed to practice failing for quite so long!

But I already have something to say in this article, and I'm literally bursting trying to get through that introduction!  

My friend Robert Hollis, a legendary Creator of Millionaires, just came out of retirement and you should see what he is doing now.  Robert is, if you're new to network marketing, that guy who always seemed to be at the top of the leaderboard.  A gregarious and charmingly cheerful guy with a long string of repeated successes.  I don't know how many multi-millions he's made, but in his 22 years developing multi-level and networked direct marketing teams he has taught and supported 53 people, just like you and I, until they became millionaires.  53 millionaires!!

Documentation Beats Conversation

And Robert Hollis has found something new that excites him more than any product, compensation plan, or marketing tool ever has!  It's exciting that I get to work with him. Here's a link to check out for FREE and watch the short videos.

I wouldn't advise you to INVEST anything until AFTER you've taken the free test drive and WATCHED THE SYSTEM begin building you a team, hands free. But, as a pre-enrollee, I can get you into Robert's private Facebook mentorship group where he's teaching everyone, exactly what to do, for free.  That's where the real inside action is happening!

I think you'll enjoy the videos, and you'll love the free tour.  Enjoy it! The excitement is contagious. 

Scott Wright, B.Sc Entrepreneur

20 April 2018

This article was published on 21.04.2018 by Scott Wright
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Work2Succeed - Mentor Partnering, Free to join

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