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Saivian International and 20 Percent CashBack and Membership Value

Hello All!

I would like to give you the opportunity to check out for yourself the Saivian International 20 percent cashback program. While you do your normal shopping for groceries, gasoline, clothing, etc. per week at 10 of your favorite stores, instead of throwing away your receipts, save it and redeem it and get a cash out of it after every 30 days. It potentially pays for your membership fee at $125/28 days and potentially allows you to earn extra money per month to put in your own pocket. You don’t have to change your normal shopping habit as a member.

This is too good to be true you ask? I can assure you that it is real and since the company’s core business is in advertisement and collecting very important consumer information habits that is known as Point of Sale Data (POS). This data is a very valuable to a third party marketers and use by stores around the world to determine the type of products and merchandises and services are popular. The revenue generated from selling the POS data and advertisement helps to support the cash back program and other business expenses. There is no other cash back program I know compare to this program.

There is another option of being a member of the Cash Back Program. This is the Global Shopping Program (GSP) Affiliate Member Program which allows you to earn a residual income. What is the meaning of “residual income”? It is a continues payment to you for something that you did for the company. This payment upon sponsoring 3 people into the program will get you 5/day which is the initial stage and will go up to 3000/day.  Along with the 20 Percent Cash Back Program,  the additional residual income will potentially allow you to increase your revenue. The cash back is fixed as long as you have expenses every month. The residual income is not. The residual income can go up to 3000/day and to reach that level is depending how your group in the business works. The more effort you and your group put it, the faster you get to the $3000/day level. Many of company's affiliate despite the company (about 30 and growing) is less than 3 years old have reach the ultimate goal of 3000/day. I believe with dedication and perseverance that this level is well within anybody's grasp.

So, how do you like the program so far? Do you see the value that I am sharing with you?

There is also another component to the program which is the Merchant Advertisement Program (MAP). It is design for businesses that is not part of the Non-MAP.  The MAP help customer get their 20 percent cashback without the business owner paying for it. This will give the customer the opportunity to save 20 percent if using the business and at the same time help the business increase repeat customer by having the business sign up on the MAP. By having the customer sign up under your   and your company is a MAP member, your customer is qualified to take advantage of the 20percent cash back that is paid by Saivian International.

Now is it this interesting programs where everybody helps one another?

This article was published on 16.04.2017 by Nelson Ramos
Author's business opportunity:

Saivian International - 20% Cash Back & GSP, 125 USD to join

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