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Get Paid For Shopping Online

As an Affiliate, you can earn money by referring people to one of the fastest growing online and local discount buyer’s clubs in the world – ClubShop Rewards. Rather than buying, selling and delivering products to make money, you can earn an income simply by helping people to save money. Here's how:

You can refer people to gain a free ClubShop Rewards Membership. Free members can shop online and earn ClubCash which they can redeem for Cash Back. Your Personal Commissions, which are equal to 50% of the Pay Points you are credited for the purchases made by the Members you refer, to help you qualify as a Partner.

Click below link to join

You can refer people to gain a free Affiliate membership. Affiliates have all the shopping benefits that free Shopper Members have with an added privilege of being able to refer Affiliates, which will provide you with two additional benefits:

You can begin to build a sales and membership organization, which you can help you to earn increased Team Commissions, when you qualify as a Partner.

clubshop rewards cardYou can also sell ClubShop Rewards Cards to Members and future Members. Consumers can use their ClubShop Rewards Card to shop offline with local merchants and earn cash back rewards or direct discounts. You can earn a nice retail profit percentage on each card you sell.

One of the best reasons people love to refer people to our ClubShop Rewards Membership or sell ClubShop Rewards Cards is that it allows them to earn sales commissions on millions of products and services which people may use every day, without having to take orders, maintain product inventories or worry about any product deliveries. You make money by helping people to save money!

If you need training and help to begin marketing online, then subscribe to GPS (Global Partner System) to automatically qualify as a Partner.

You enable your referrals to buy the things they normally buy from the most popular online stores or from local merchants AND save money, get cash back and/or win prizes.

You can refer people to become Members locally and globally to create a "global" income.

An unlimited opportunity to make money, due to having an international market and all kinds of products and services that your referrals can save money on.

Click here to join free

This article was published on 26.07.2017 by Ken Dan
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