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Are You Following The Wizard of Oz?

Remember the movie, The Wizard Of Oz, where Dorothy, Tin Man, The Cowardly Lion, Scare Crow and toto (that cute little dog)?  Yes, I'm reaching back into that wonderful land of Our Memory... A place where we have spent a lot of time in, at least Us older Marketers.

Now, I know that Our Younger Marketers may be familiar with the story, at least I hope so(since I'm alluding to that here.) Either way I'm going to touch on the concept now. 

You see, Dorothy was trying to get "home". Along the way, she meets two witches, a bad one and a good one. She also meets a few "special people" that "need" to find their "Way" too. Now, she hears that the only Person that can Help her to 'find' a way home, and for her new 'friends' to get what they need so badly, they have to find a way to the "Wizard Of Oz" who, supposedly, can give all of them what they are looking for. 

They all start out, not knowing how they are going to find their 'way' to the "Wizard", but they keep going. According to some 'little' people and that they run into, they are to follow a brightly colored 'Yellow' road, which could 'definitely' lead them to what they are in need of.

 Remember, they are all looking for somethiing different -  a home, a brain, some courage and a heart.  They must be desperate to be following some 'special' road to some 'special' place where some 'All Knowing Wizard' is waiting to 'give' them all what they each specifically need.

You're still 'following' me, Right! (I hope so, this is going 'somewhere,' I promise you...

Now, as they get closer, you find out that The Tin Man, who needs a Heart, really has one. He shows it by caring about the others. Being human, we know that no one without one would care about Our feelings, right? 

And we have The Cowardly Lion, who needs some 'Courage'. He shows us all that he actually has Courage, when he attempts to lead and protect the group in an uncertain or dangerous situation.

So far, along their 'travels', two of the group of misfits, have 'discovered' that they aren't lacking the 'necessary' traits that All of Us have built in.

You following me? Some related thoughts are coming to the surface, I bet... Good - let's keep this Journey going...

As We go along, (yes 'We' are on the same Journey...) We run into an 'Enemy of our Progress' - The 'Bad' Witch. After being 'kidnapped' and deterred from our 'Path' we run the 'risk' of never getting to the 'Wizard'. That is Our Goal, right? After all, he has all the 'Answers' we are looking for...right...

Somehow, we defeat the Bad Witch(with water, not something difficult), get away and resume our journey,  and we finally make it to the steps of "Emerald City" where the Wizard of Oz lives, and is waiting to help us...or is He?" 

Holy Crap - after all that "Effort" we find out that what was 'Promised' or 'Guaranteed' to Us, the Wizard of Oz is a "FAKE!" (sounds like some Guru's I know)

We just spent all our 'Effort, Time and Energy' Our very Being - on a 'whimsical 'STORY.'  We listened to some Bad Information, an Incorrect set if directions, a list of 'false' instructions.  

All of this - to chase Our Desires, Hopes, and Dream(s). 

Now, I'm hoping, no I'm sure - that as You read this depressing story, some sparks flew, and You started running a similar story in your head (or what the Scare Crow was in need of - A Brain.) I was doing just that as I continued writing...

You see, we've all listened to some crazy ideas, followed an "Outdated" Map of directions, counted on some "Wizard" to fix everything for us, and time after time, we were LET DOWN!

Don't Let anyone tell you that they have 'All' the Answers, can 'fix' Anything, and tried 'Everything.' And don't let them 'Lead' you all the way to the 'bank'... (That Bank doesn't Exist - at least not in My reality.)

In the end, what did we learn from the Journey that they(We) are taking? 

  • You have to follow your Dreams - no matter how You get there...
  • You will need some Courage - to take some chances...
  • You will need to use the Brain (you were born with) - learning is living, decisions have consequences, Good and sometimes bad...(be prepared for both)
  • You will have to have a Heart (when working with others) - Compassion, Empathy, and Understanding are valuable tools...

...and when you run into challenges (and believe me, you will) - just throw some 'Water' on it, and move forward, lol...(and I don't mean wash and repeat...)

One last thing, when you are trying to get back 'Home,' why not make it a New Home (maybe with a pool, a heated dog house (for your 'ToTo') - and room for your whole family!

I am on this same Journey, and I look forward to meeting you.  If we are Blessed to Succeed, and I believe we are - I'll see you soon!

*If you are willing to do what it takes, and want a way to get there, I'd be more than happy to show you the Way - A Trusted, Proven and Time-Tested System - plainly laid out. A "Yellow Brick Road" that actually Leads to A Successful Future - offering an Opportunity for You to Get Home (that New Home I mentioned above.!)  

(Follow Your Dreams, for Real this Time!) 

Thank You for Reading, and be Blessed to Succeed!

This article was published on 12.02.2017 by Derrick Szpotek
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