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Why I jumped on this opportunity

My background is in the medical industry, and in my desperate attempt to help provide for my family, I became a workaholic with 2 jobs and started to burn myself out mentally and physically.

As a side effect of this, I began to experience some medical issues, of which one was losing my hair due to stress and another was developing seborrheic dermatitis .  A close friend of mine introduced me to the Monat products due to their being clinically proven to help with scalp health and hair re-growth, and I fell in love with the products.  My hair started to re-grow, it was healthy, and it honestly never looked better.  I knew multiple friends and family members who suffered with various hair issues - hair loss, thinning, damaged hair, etc. - and knew I had to share this amazing product with them.  These types of issues for any man, woman, or child can cause a significant drop in confidence, and I knew I couldn't keep these products to myself when there was a chance I could help others.

The fact the products are gentle but effective makes it a huge seller for all types of hair problems such as some types of alopecia, hair affected by thyroid conditions, damaged hair due to processing or color treated since they are not full of harsh chemicals, and so on. These were all things that were important to myself and my friends and family.  The cherry on the top is all of the products are Leaping Bunny approved and vegan-friendly. Having all these things within one company was like hitting the jackpot, and I signed up as a Market Partner immediately.

The gratitude shown by the company both towards their Market Partners with a rich compensation plan and to the wider community with their gratitude program is second to none.

In addition to the stellar compensation plan is a car plan as well as numerous incentive trips both for yourself and your family.

If you have wondered what you want out of life/career and whether MLM is for you, take a look and see what Monat offers that is different:  Compare them to other companies, what I offer as a way to support you to grow a successful business, and how if you are in the UK you can become an EU founder. (This is an opportunity to gain a share of the profit pool.)

In addition to coaching from myself, you will be gaining a team of passionate and enthusiastic running partners who will encourage, guide, and provide all necessary training and support needed.  On my team are hairstylists, business women, entrepreneurs, and boss mom's who wanted to make a better life for themselves and their families.

If you are looking for an incredible opportunity in the USA, Canada, or UK, get in touch today.  Benefit from the addition of my team's industry experience and business knowledge to grow your own business in one of the fastest growing retail products on the market. Full training and support are offered.

This article was published on 23.06.2018 by Emily Olsen
Author's business opportunity:

Monat - Haircare, 99 USD to join

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