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Do you LOVE wine? Drink Wine, Share Wine, Make Money!

Hello Fellow Entrepreneurs! 

Do any of these titles describe you...a busy husband, wife, mother, father, or professional working a full-time 9-5 job? If so, then keep reading!

I am a BUSY mother of 3 young children, a supportive wife, AND an educated, professional woman working a 9-5 job. For years, I had been looking for a way to make additional money doing something fun with a product that I could be passionate about. Not only did I want to make additional money, but I also wanted to be able to do it from home in my spare time to allow me to still spend time with my husband and children. Well...I HAVE FOUND IT and couldn't be happier! 

If you LOVE wine or know someone who does... then this may be the opportunity for you! This company gives me the opportunity to drink FREE wine, share wine through wine tasting events with friends, family and/or acquaintances (by my choice and not mandatory by the company), and earn money at the same time. My company offers artisan wines from boutique wineries from around the world that are not offered in local wine stores. As a customer or wine distributor, you will get to enjoy the flexibility of ordering 2 bottles or 4 bottles per month (delivered FREE directly to your door) and your order can be made up of your choice of red, white, or red and white wines. 

We are proud to offer customer memberships and wine distributor opportunities to individuals in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada. 

RETENTION: (Bragging Moment)
If you have been in the network marketing business for any period of time, you will know that the customer retention rate of most companies is not one to brag about.  However, when it comes to wine people are already drinking it, buying it and loving it! This is a product that you WILL NOT have to "convince" someone to buy...they either love it or not! Our company has a 95% retention rate, which is virtually unheard of. 

My company offers two structure levels through binary and uni-level compensation.  This allows for high-paying AND long-term residual income to be obtained. In addition, whether you decide to become a customer or a wine distributor, you can get your wine for FREE when 3 friends join the club. 

There are two ways to obtain money quickly through the fast start bonus program. You will earn $125 (Social) or $250 (Elite) with each person who joins as a new wine distributor, depending on their enrollment as an Elite Distributor or Social Distributor. The Social Distributor startup package consists of 4 bottles of wine and the Elite Distributor package consists of 12 bottles of wine. You may be wondering if this is truly obtainable. Well, the answer is a wholehearted YES, YES, YES! I signed up 6 friends as wine distributors my first week and earned $1500 in bonuses...simply done by talking about my passion for wine, how easy the system is, and by talking about my excitement for this company! 

If you are looking to work a business from ANYWHERE making part-time or full-time income using your smartphone or computer, feel free to contact me! I would be more than happy to give you more information on customer membership and/or the business opportunity (no strings attached). Let's build a business together! 

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This article was published on 09.04.2017 by Robin Reed
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