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First ever mass-adopted cryptocurrency


Digital Assets System Conversion Instrument

A currency of Trust

"With its innovative blockchain and robust ecosystem DasCoin stands on the brink of being the first-ever mass-adopted cryptocurrency" - Millionair Asia

An underlying technology of all cryptocurrency is known as “the blockchain.” The blockchain is a tool that can verify transactions with minimal third-party involvement. The names of buyers and sellers are never revealed – only their addresses within the system-and these addresses can be further obscured. Blockchain technology is part of a category known as a mutual distributed ledger. “Mutual” refers to the fact that the nodes are shared by the community, rather than owned by a central authority. “Distributed” refers to the fact that the nodes are divided among a number of locations. 

And “ledger” in that the system represents a sequential record of transactions. Assembled together, the system becomes a tamper-proof, immutable record of transactions shared among a community of users and stored in multiple locations. Every system of value must establish a few fundamental elements. These include defining: initial money supply, initial distribution, basis of value, expansion/contraction mechanisms of the money supply, who controls the means of production, and the allocation of inflation (and/or allocation of credit). 

DasCoin offers a hybrid structure to solve the issues associated with these economics-based elements. A private, permissioned blockchain architecture has been incorporated due to its enhanced security, inherent efficiency, and ability to scale more easily (due to deployment control). This secure foundation is the authentication of all users in accordance with banking standard KYC (Know Your Customer) requirements and the implementation of a “hardware required” digital wallet system. In addition, the DasCoin system integrates a powerful marketing mechanism which incentivizes growth through referral-based word of mouth promotion. The result is a digital system of value that offers optimal security, world-class performance, and is poised for rapid global adoption by the mass market.


In short, DAS COIN combines the best qualities of decentralised cryptocurrencies with the best aspects of centralised cryptocurrencies.

 Key Features,

“Proof of Value” Distribution Method

There are no parties (neither executives nor developers) who are able to pre-mint, pre-mine or pre-distribute DasCoins to themselves. Cycles can only be received by purchasing a licence, and Cycles must be submitted to the system in order to get DasCoins through the minting process. 

“Proof of License” Consensus Method

DasCoin incorporates a licensing system rather than a mining apparatus. Consensus is reached through an algorithm which randomly defines what licensed node is going to make the next block.

Fixed Supply 

About 8.5 billion units (distributed over an undefined period – dependent on the internal dynamics of the system – currently projected to last 12 years). 

Fully-Authenticated Network 

Every user will be authenticated through banking-standard KYC processes performed by a central authority. 

Distributed Network

All data travel across a global network of computer. 

Privacy with Transparency

Identification content within all transactions recorded to the blockchain is obfuscated, providing privacy yet maintaining the integrity of the history of transactions. 

Incentivized Marketing

A referral-based marketing system to support the development of a global affinity group who recognize DasCoin and are interested in exchanging value through this digital asset system. 

It’s more than just a coin

Product and services offered by DasCoin.

Digital Currency: 

Applications: Global payments, Remittance, E-commerce, P2P Lending and more

Smart Contract:

Applications: Digital Rights, Trade Finance, Escrow, Wager, Platform to build Applications and Tokens and more.


Applications: Crowdfunding, Equity, Debt, Derivatives and more

Record Keeping: 

Applications: Healthcare, Ownership, Voting, Title Records, Intellectual Property and more. 

Why DasCoin Better than other currencies:

Six Second Block time (BT)

Bitcoin: 10mins BT, Litecoin: 2.5 mins BT, Ethereum: 14 Seconds BT

100,000+ Transaction per second (TPS) 

Bitcoin: 3-4 tps, Ethereum: 20 tps, Paypal: 115 tps, Visa: 2000 56000 tps,  

DasPay: Mobile payment system built on the same platform as Apple Pay.

Mobile and debit card payment system currently used by Visa and MasterCard which is accepted over 60million vendors. Where bitcoin is only accepted by 400,000 vendors, mostly online.

DasCoin Exchange: Platform to exchange DasCoin and other cryptocurrencies.

DasCoin trading on MT4 platform which makes trading 20% faster.

Making Money With DasCoin

Long Term Hold: Purchase a NetLeaders Licence and wait for value to rise in coming months to years

Trading: Buy low sell high 

Affiliate marketing:

1. Direct Bonus: 

    10% of purchase from your direct referrals

2. Network Bonus:

    10% of total volume of weakest Binary legs

3. Matching Bonus: 

    Up to 30% of the commission made by your referrals up to 5 levels deep.

Click here for More info on bonuses. 

How to buy DasCoin,

Click Here to buy Netleaders Licence

Purchase license Package from 100 Euros to 25000 Euros.

Pay using Bitcoin(best option), bank transfer or gift code. Credit card payment coming soon.


Cryptocurrency is here to stay and getting more and more popular day by day. If you are reading this, it means you have an opportunity to be an early adopter of both cryptocurrency and DasCoin. DasCoin offers so much value and practical applications in the real world. It surely will be first ever mass-adopted coin once it hit the market (31st March, 2018). This will bring prosperity to both Das Coin holder(customers) and who market DasCoin(Advocates).

Most probably we all miss the bitcoin boat but life has given us a second chance, Dare not to miss it. See you in other side.


Open an account:

DasCoin Core Values:

Short Intro on DasCoin:


Netleaders Licence:

Use case Africa:


White paper and more:





Mailing address: CL Singapore Pte. LTD, 12 Marina Boulevard , 17-01, Singapore 018982, Singapore

Note: DasCoin is coming soon to America.

Ref: DasCoin White paper, Various Online resources

This article was published on 26.11.2017 by Sandesh Karki
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DasCoin - cryptoCurrency, 150 USD to join

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