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Virtual Business Cards!! Every Marketer Should Take Advantage of This!!

Prospecting while building a Multi Level Marketing Group is tough... Especially when you are working a full time job and building your MLM to supplement your current income. 

Often times we are told we need to get out and talk to people. I agree 10000%, however, this process is not that easy when you work 5 to 6 days a week and get off at 6 or 7. When we finish our FT jobs, we are often drained....exhausted.... and we don't have it in us to walk that walk around the mall or the super market. 

The Royal Gem is a device that attaches to you, whether its your keys or a wifi device that projects your virtual business card a minimum of 100 meters around YOU to EVERY bluetooth enabled smart device. Cars driving past your job will be alerted... At the mall while you are shopping, and even while you are asleep at your house and cars drive by... This is a tool EVERY MARKETER NEEDS!!! 

Once people see you... they will no longer be a "cold" lead. They are more receptive... because THEY HAVE SEEN YOU!

Now, while you're working at the supermarket and a customer walks in they say, "Hey....Aren't you Susan from that investment group?" ... Your Clients Begin To Contact You Instead!! 

Imagine Getting a phone call and the person leaves you a message because you are eating dinner. When you listen to the message, you realize you have several messages saying the same thing! "I am calling about the business opportunity you have. Please call me back at ......" 

This is AMAZING and with Veteran Business Solutions, We set you up with this if you prove yourself!

The Royaltie Gem is a device that projects your virtual business card a minimum of 100 meters in every direction at all times and is received by every bluetooth enabled device. 

If you would like to purchase one without joining my myEcon business, i will leave you the URL so you can make your own purchase. There are several options for many different types of businesses. 

A key FOB, a WiFi hub, A router, etc. and the prices vary. They start at 25 per month. If you act fast, before the end of August, the enrollment fee is refunded.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me and I will answer any and all questions as soon as possible. 

This article was published on 22.08.2018 by Veteran Auto Glass LTD
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