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Which One Would You Pick To Win A Race?

Horse vs Zebra!

The two animals look the same in structure, but different in visual design and size.

A Horse would usually come in one colour of a particular kind and larger in size.

A Zebra is striped. Its colour is usually black and white. It is smaller in size compared to a horse.

The Horse is a domesticated animal, and would often cooperate with humans to achieve goals.

The Zebra is the right opposite. It is not domesticated. It is a wild animal:

  • 1. Zebras are ill tempered creatures  
  • 2. They Do not like to be domesticated 
  • 3. They will kick and bite in a desire to be left alone! 
  • 4. Zebras are very unpredictable 
  • 5. “They can be very aggressive and even vicious as they get older.”  

In terms of speed…

Horses can get up to 54.7 miles per hour.

A Zebra’s maximum speed is 40 miles per hour.

Think about this for a minute…

A Zebra would usually escape from a perceived ‘predator’ by running in a zigzag manner! 

Remember a zebra always wants to be left alone. It would not cooperate with humans to do anything! And it is just an ill-tempered animal by nature.

Has it ever occurred to you that when we chase after our prospective contacts beyond a certain point with a business opportunity, which we know, would benefit them in the end, some people might think of us as predators?

What if there was a way (a technology to be precise) which would allow you to showcase your opportunity to a stream of people 24 hours a day, without stepping on anyone’s toes? Do you think that might help?

Now, I am not suggesting for one minute that anyone is a ‘predator’ in their marketing approach! 

What I am trying to point out is that like a zebra, some people are just not interested in cooperating with you to achieve anything significant. They lack the qualities of a horse, which can be relied on to win races. 

Instead, these people would always run “in a zigzag manner” and give you the slip when you approach them with a business preposition!

Now consider this new system, which like the horse can help you to win the Marketing race! 

The new system, called the Angel Sponsoring (ounce deployed) will bring you customers and affiliates into your business with no sweat!

Click HERE to get more information

Why still chase after Zebras?

The more you go after them, the more they run in zigzag manner. They become unpredictable and sometimes, aggressive and vicious. They may even turn around and “lacerate you”!

Just let them go and wish them well!

Instead, let Angel Sponsoring start working for you like a horse!

Here is the link for more info

Look forward to working with you soon.

Joe Baiden

This article was published on 19.06.2017 by Joe Baiden
Member comments:

Joe Baiden Thank you, Terry, for your kind remarks. My order is still in transit and my tracking number shows it should be here anytime soon.  6 years ago
Terry Bailes Well written and entertaining article! Have seen the product! Much success to you!  6 years ago

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