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I going to try and launch myself as a singer/songwriter with your help! 

Yes, YOUR help is needed here!  And not only with music, but also in dealing with mental illness. 

You have made me feel just as important as the next person, and I'd like to give back. 


I am now legally registered as a songwriter and have registered my songs. 

I would love to connect with other people in the music industry who can give me pointers and good criticism. 

Do you know anyone suffering from a mental illness?  

Perhaps my website could help, where I've listed the sites I try to browse through everyday to see what I feel like doing, and do those sites that require a daily log in. 

I don't earn much, but my few dollars do help me to save towards a present I'd like to give myself.

I suffer from Schizophrenia, and am not allowed to work, and yet I suffer from depression and overload of 'voices' when I am not able to keep myself busy.

I am an artist of sorts, dabbling in music, art, writing and poetry.  I also found an avenue for my art and photography doing designing.

Perhaps I am helping, perhaps not.  But I, too, would like to help pave a way towards a better life for all.

Thanks for your attention.

Feel free to contact me.  Email me to let me know that you'd like to chat over the telephone.  My hours are more towards afternoon to early morning as I find that I'm not comfortable in the sunlight (they say meds can sometimes cause sensitivity to the rays of our Sun), and it's quiet during the midnight to dawn, so then I am able to create in peace.

You will find, if you read my WWW biography on the many sites I've joined, that I'm not fond of crowds and prefer to stay indoors, or as close to home as possible.  Guess that is what paranoid schizophrenics have to do to feel comfortable.  Yet I love to entertain.

I go to karaoke once a week to a small pub down the road and everyone knows me and I know everyon, and it's very homely.

I don't partake of alcohol and drugs.  That's a no-no.

So, basically, my business is RAINE CAROSIN, and I would like to promote myself.  

This article was published on 06.08.2015 by Raine Carosin
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Ikechukwu Modungwo Extraordinary. I feel you  2 years ago

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