Unlock Your Fortune: Your List is Your Gold Mine!
Ever been told, "Your gold is in your list"?
Like a cryptic fortune cookie message, it sounds intriguing but needs some decoding, right?
It's simple math, really: more people equal more sales. But let's put this into practice and see why it's all the rage.
Imagine you've got a sale: a hot product going for $199. You send the sale offer to your list, which is 350-strong, and experience a 15% order rate.
You've just made $69,650. Now picture the same scenario, same effort, but with a list of 600 people. Your sales just hit the jackpot with a grand total of $119,400.
Kinda sounds like a no-brainer, doesn’t it?
But let's say you have a list of 5,000 people. If your subscriber influx doesn't keep up with your attrition rate, your list will pull a Benjamin Button and start shrinking. And that, my friends, equals money slipping right through your fingers.
Take a non-profit organization, for instance, with a donor base of 20,000. They do an annual appeal, and then decide to send a little 'hey, here's what we're doing with your dough' email update every quarter. This increased interaction sends donations skyrocketing by 25%.
More money means a further-reaching mission.
Let's imagine one more scenario. You open a business and use social media - Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, you name it - to garner a following. But your followers seem to have a severe case of stage fright when it comes to doing business.
What gives?
You don't have their contact information, so you can't reach out directly. And if you can't make contact, how do you know they're even seeing your messages?
These examples could keep rolling, but they all funnel down to one point: no list (or a stagnating list) is like having a gold mine but no pickaxe. Your contact list is as essential as the little black dress in your wardrobe.
To put it bluntly, "Your list is a critical component in relationship building."
Regardless of whether you're running a corporate business, non-profit, government institution, educational body, community group, social endeavour, or MLM business - list building is the Swiss army knife of marketing strategies.
So, if there's one thing you're going to tattoo on your brain after reading this, let it be:
"Devote time EVERY WEEK to growing your list."
Trust me, you'll thank yourself later.
And remember, you heard it here first.
Now, go dig that gold mine!
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