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Hempworx CBD/My Daily Choice Business Opportunity


Here are some key benefits to becoming a MyDailyChoice Independent Affiliate:

Position yourself at the forefront of the booming CBD Industry

Participate in our exciting compensation plan by referring others to our Products and Business Opportunity

Get access to world-class training by our Top Industry Leaders

Leverage our "Done For You" Marketing System (Use my link below to join)

Training is the key to any business. With MyDailyChoice, we believe in building a culture of trained affiliates who are experts in their own businesses. Ultimately, when you master your craft, you attract the right people into your business. Knowing some simple steps to success could change your future! As we always say, it’s our daily choices that will create your daily income!


MyDailyChoice provides revolutionary online marketing systems and state-of- the art success tools to give our Affiliates every opportunity to succeed in the business. We recognize the hard work of our Affiliates in this business and reward those efforts by paying a generous 85% of the total Business Volume (BV) through our unique Affiliate Rewards Program.

1Develop Your Own Product Success Story

The MOST IMPORTANT part of MyDailyChoice and the foundation of our business is our amazing breakthrough product line. A successful marketer uses their own personal story to attract others into their business. We want you to be confident that you have the best product line that impacts people in a powerful way.

By staying on autoship and using the product, you will have a great success story to tell people with honesty what this can do for them! Great mentors say… out of product = out of business. Stay on autoship so you have plenty of samples handy to give out to your prospects!

2Drive Traffic To Your Website

A really exciting part of the MyDailyChoice opportunity is our proven online system. We have an opportunity where EVERYONE can build their business from home… no matter what country they are in! The system does a lot of the reminding and following up.

However, in order for any system to work, you have to drive people into the system! There’s only one door to the money in Network Marketing and that’s the number of people you expose DAILY to the opportunity. Make sure you are driving traffic through online marketing, offline marketing, warm market, cold market, and social media.

3Follow Up

The fortune is in the follow up! Even though our system does 95% of the work, you still have to follow up. Expert studies show that the average sale is made on the 6th phone call you make to your prospects.

After prospects take your free tour, give them a phone call and let them know that the success line system is already placing people underneath them in their team and they are in a great position. Use your success coach for 3-way calls to build credibility. Also invite your prospects to our Thursday Night opportunity call. Do these daily activities and you will be headed to the TOP.


When joining MyDailyChoice, there are many affordable options that give you the ability to start your business at any budget. You have the option to select any of the MDC products with packages that range from $39 - $599 depending on your product choice. (plus a $20 join fee)

Corporate Website:

This article was published on 29.09.2019 by Marla Sinclair
Author's business opportunity:

HempWorx - Health, 90 USD to join

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