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My Weight Loss Journey - HealthyFocus

Thanks for taking the time to read this Business Announcement. I would like to take a few minutes to tell you my story as it relates to my health and weight loss journey. A little over two years ago I was eighty pounds over weight, on two kinds of blood pressure medicine plus some other meds. I needed to change. I took action. It wasn't easy, but I was dedicated. In the course of one year I lost fifty pounds. Then I hit a brick wall. For the next year I bounced back and forth, basically maintaining my weight. I was able to get off all my medicines, however, I still needed to lose about thirty pounds.

That's were Truvy or TruVision comes in. I had been hesitant about taking supplements for weight loss. However, a good friend of mine started taking TruFix and TruControl and lost quite a bit of weight. My wife decided you would try them and in the first week she lost seven pounds. Neither one of them did much except take the supplements. I was now very interested in how they would work for me. Well, I decided to take the leap of faith, I didn't ever order the sample first. I jumped in with both feet as the saying goes. In the first twenty-one days I lost ten pounds. I was hooked. I decided to order two newer products Tru and Vy. They are working as well. I have not lost as much weight, but I have lost two inches off my waist in just a couple of weeks.

I'm not promising TruFix or TruControl will work the same for you; that's why I'm suggesting you get the sample first. In fact Click Here to get your sample of our products. I just know what they have done for me, my wife and our friend. Here's the kicker, they are working for many other individuals as well.

Now for the rest of the story. When you order one of our products, the company gives you your own link to order future products. But that's not all. While you are sampling one of the products, you can share it with your family and friends, they can order off your link, and you can make a little money. I became an Independent Agent with this company with my first order, and I'm already in profit mode. You can do the same thing.

I'm here to help. So connect with me and I will be glad to answer any questions you might have. If you would like more information you can Click Here to see my main website. This is a great company to be a part of. I'm looking forward to having you as a part of my team.

This article was published on 01.07.2020 by Randy Johnson
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